We apologize for the inconvenience, but guests who are registered as favorites and guests who are interested in this product, please register again from the new exhibit.
For detailed images, please see the past listings at the URL below.
We carry a wide variety of luxury goods. This is because we do not want to touch the product sticky many times or unnecessarily spread it under fluorescent lights, so we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
少しでも商品を手に取りやすくするための当方の工夫となっておりますので此方の方針をどうかご理解くださいませm(_ _)m
詳細画像は古い出品物(誤認抑止のため高額設定しております)及び、コメント欄にURLの記載ある場合はそちらからご確認をよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
大切なコレクション、展開中の商品を何度もベタベタ触ったり、蛍光灯下で何度も無駄に広げたくないためですのでこちらも何卒、ご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
We apologize for the inconvenience, but guests who are registered as favorites and guests who are interested in this product, please register again from the new exhibit.
For detailed images, please see the past listings at the URL below.
We carry a wide variety of luxury goods.
This is because we do not want to touch the product sticky many times or unnecessarily spread it under fluorescent lights, so we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank u for reading.